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Au-Set and Da-Heti

The Goddess and The Naughty, Little Angel 

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      “Alright, what going on with you today?” Avri’El prodded.

“Iago still insists on taking his proposal directly to the council, despite our warning against it,” Gavri’El replied, keeping a close eye on Da-Heti, who appeared to be speaking quietly to Persephone.

     “Not surprising. Iago isn’t the first being to find himself at the mercy of his vessel, and considering how he manifested, I’m surprised he hasn’t expressed the traits of his progenitor sooner,” Avri’El said, “His arguments have occasionally left me even struggling to contain my fury.”

     “That’s what worries me,” Gavri’El picked a flower from the ground and watched its glow intensify with her nurturing touch, “The last time a higher being proposed the creation of a new Sphere; it generated division and led to the Gender War which that nearly destroyed Ta. Banishment may have only left room for a new and more extreme dissenter to take his place,” Gavri’El said. Avri’El looked down observing a new flower grow and blossom in place of the one vaporizing in Gavri’El’s hand.

        “Bye mommy, I’m going east to fight the Titans!”

Gavri’El turned, seeing Avri’El look up seeing , Da-Heti wave from the heart control center. “Oh, no.” she muttered, as she watched Au-Set’s breastplate close over Da-Heti, and transform her into Au-Set’s heart, “Oh, no.”

      “Good luck trying to get her out of there,” Avri’El scoffed.

Aaron felt the upsurge of power and glanced at Gavri’El, and Avri’El then returned to his calculations before doing a double take, seeing Au-Set rise to her feet with her arms extended as she struggled to balance her awkward steps.

“Da-Heti?” Aaron called, hearing Da-Heti’s gleeful laughter.               “Get down from there this instant!”

Gavri’El and Avri’El tried to mask their amusement as Aaron approached Au-Set, admonishing Da-Heti with threats of her father’s wrath, then turned and ran from her as she attempted to pick him up. “Like I said, she’s just like her father,” Gavri’El giggled.

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