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Michael vs. Emmanuel

D'Arcy's Kids, Chapter 7 Teaser

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      Aaron and Sunny were sitting at the kitchen table having pleasant conversations. One verbally, as instructors discussing school matters in the company of Brandt and Quinn, attending to the different pots and pans on the stove. The other, as brothers telepathically sharing their excitement of finally having The Nine all together under one roof.  A loud thump felt on the floor interrupted their conversations. “What was that?” they both asked as another thump stronger than the last shook the floor and walls.

“Is that coming from downstairs?” Quinn asked Brandt while both looked down at the floor in anticipation of a final thump; shaking the entire house, sounding like an explosion went off in the basement.

The two professors raced downstairs, horrified to find the utter destruction surrounding the two brothers. Michael stood at the center of the room, eyes blazing with light, seemingly oblivious to the streaks and pops of static electricity being generated by his toroidal field. They watched Emanuel pull himself from the damaged wall screen, his eyes also ablaze with light. He emerged finding his toroidal field drawing electrical power from the damaged wall screen.

With a deep breath and forceful exhale, Emanuel increased the size of his field, overwhelming Michael’s static field. Michael raised his hands causing the increasing density of the static field to spread, covering his toroidal field in a dense field of pulsating, throbbing static repelled Emanuel’s field, and began to push him back.

All eyes watched as the two brothers feet planted firmly on the ground began to skid backwards while the energy between them continued to build.       “Michael! Emanuel! Stop this at once!” Aaron and Sunny voices thundered, their voices of power shaking the house to the foundation.

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